REP stands for the Relationship Education Project, formerly known as The Megan Project. REP is Safe Harbor’s primary prevention program and curriculum targeted towards young people. REP is designed to create a safe place for young people to think critically, develop tools and skills, and promote healthy relationships in their lives to prevent relationship abuse.
REP trains facilitators in youth spaces throughout Anderson, Greenville, Oconee, and Pickens counties. Safe Harbor’s Prevention and Outreach Coordinators create space for adults and those working with young adults to learn how to help young people to discuss healthy and unhealthy relationships, the warning signs of relationship abuse, develop skills to keep relationships healthy, and bystander intervention.
REP Facilitator Training is offered in a variety of formats.
MS REP facilitator training focuses on our 6-unit curriculum that is designed for 7th-8th grade students. It dives deeper into the issue allowing students the time for interaction and engagement. Educators use a variety of teaching methods: group work, activities, video clips, and music to teach students. We discuss relevant topics such as “sexting”, jealousy, healthy relationships and personal boundaries, and how the media influences our actions and beliefs.
HS REP facilitator training focuses on a 3 unit curriculum that is aimed at high school age youth. In addition to the lessons discussed at the middle school level, we dive deeper into Sexual Violence with more in depth examples of relationship abuse stories. We are able to discuss healthy break-ups, conflict resolution (“fighting fair”) and further investigate why relationship abuse happens.
REP 1 is our basic curriculum offered in a 45 – 90 minute block. This one-time presentation is aimed to equip students with the basics of relationship abuse. We discuss definitions & types of abuse, warnings signs, and how to prevent and respond to relationship abuse.
CYAP or Community Youth Action Project Presentations are done after a class has completed REP units and want to plan an outreach project in their school or community.
- Engage, educate, and empower students to make healthy relationship choices and bring this knowledge to their community.
- Help eradicate dating violence and build a future generation of advocates for dating and domestic violence.
If you are interested in becoming a REP Certified Facilitator or scheduling a presentation, please contact info@repsc.org.