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Pre Test - Greenville

Instructions: This survey is about relationships. The information you give will be used to evaluate the Relationship Education Project and to improve dating violence programs for other students. The answers you give will be confidential. No one will know what you write. Answer the questions based on your HONEST opinions. Your feedback is used to create better programs for students!

  • Create a Student ID

    To maintain anonymity and track individual student progress, please create a student ID.
  • If your phone number was 864-***-5309, you would put "5309". If you don't have a phone number, enter 4 digits that you will remember.
  • If you born in August, you would put “AUG”.
  • If your middle name was Elizabeth, you would put "ELI". If you don't have a middle name, you can use the first three letters of a parent/guardian's name.
  • Demographics

    Please enter demographic data based on how YOU identify yourself.
  • Relationship Behaviors

    Instructions: The next 10 questions ask you to think about various things that might happen in a relationship, and to rate them on a scale from healthy to abusive. We are asking you for YOUR OPINIONS about relationships IN GENERAL, not about your ACTUAL experiences. Please read each statement carefully before answering.
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