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REP 1 Student Eval

Instructions: This survey is about relationships. The information you give will be used to evaluate the Relationship Education Project and to improve dating violence programs for other students. The answers you give will be confidential. No one will know what you write. Answer the questions based on your HONEST opinions. Your feedback is used to create better programs for students!

  • Demographics

    Please enter demographic data based on how YOU identify yourself.
  • Dating Violence Prevalence

    Instructions: The next questions are about dating relationships. By dating, we mean a relationship with a person who you are "talking to," "dating," "going out with" or “hooking up with”. have had that kind of relationship with. This includes anyone who is or was your boyfriend or girlfriend, where you liked someone and they liked you back.
    If you did not answer “yes” to either of the above two questions, SKIP to the next section, "Evaluation Questions" at the end of the survey.
  • If you answered yes to either question above and you're dating or have dated someone in the past year, how often has...

    NEVER means this has never happened in your relationship RARELY means this has happened only 1-2 times in your relationship SOMETIMES means this has happened about 3-5 times in your relationship OFTEN means this has happened 6 times or more in your relationship
  • The following statements describe how safe your relationship felt. Please indicate how often you...

  • The following questions ask about the times you have been physically hurt in your relationship. “Hurt” means you could still feel pain in your body the next day. You are also hurt when you have a bruise, a cut that bleeds, or a broken bone. Please indicate how often...

  • Evaluation Questions

    You’re almost finished! Instructions: Read the categories and circle the number for your answer.
  • (If “yes,” go to next question. If “no,” SKIP the next question and proceed at the one after).
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